Science & Technology - Nagaland

Land Use/Land Cover Mapping 50K

The primary objective of the study was to map and monitor the land use/cover on 1:50,000 scale for the whole country/NER which was carried out under National Resource Census project in collaboration with Department of Space, GOI.

Outputs of the project:

  • Generated land use/land cover maps data base for the period 2005-2006 using three seasons (Kharif, Rabi & Zaid) LISS III satellite data of each period.
  • Geodatabase creation based on standard codification and integration with base details and generation of seamless digital data at district/state/national level.
  • Provided a state of land use report for the whole country with details for each district/state. This input can be used for planning exercises at various levels.
  • Generated District-wise tables of the Natural Resource parameters.